Ewaste Articles

Articles on e-waste and computer recycling

Why You Should Recycle Computer Monitors

With the transition into flat screen devices, low prices and the ever growing market for wider, yet more compact screens, computer monitors are fast becoming one of the most populous forms of E-Waste as new products flow into homes. With the harsh reality of 1.6 million computers in landfill, 1.8 million in storage and 5.3 million simply sitting around in 2006 compared to only 500,000 recycled, (in Australia alone) it is no wonder that computer monitors form a large part of E-Waste. It seems that as many are happy to dispose of their old monitors in the worst manner possible rather than recycle them,

By |2021-08-30T19:59:13+10:00August 30th, 2021|Ewaste Articles|

What happens to our Ewaste in Landfill?

When we get rid of our electronic waste, we often don’t think about where it will end up. I’m sure we’ve all been guilty of keeping our old cameras, laptops and televisions hoping to do some good with them, but eventually we just get fed up and end up just taking them to the dump. However, when you actually consider the damage that just one CRT television or monitor can do to our environment, wildlife and health, we might think again before sending our ewaste to landfill. How toxic is my electronic waste? LEAD – About 20% of a CRT television is made up

By |2021-07-31T19:02:30+10:00July 31st, 2021|Ewaste Articles|

Computer recycling in the age of electronic waste.

Computers… it seems we just can’t live without them, so lets learn to live with them, recycling computers is an important part of a sustainable future. The question is, what to do with your old computer when it’s no longer useful? Unfortunately, computer recycling is a relatively new term. Over the years millions of tonnes of computer equipment have ended up in landfill with dangerous toxic metals left to leach into the ground and eventually the waterways. Thankfully, just like bottles, plastic bags, cans etc. recycling will also be the answer for computers. What does computer recycling really mean? Computer recycling is a

By |2021-07-07T15:25:01+10:00June 1st, 2021|Ewaste Articles|

How the materials found in ewaste can affect human health and the environment.

Our electronic waste is filled with a veritable cocktail of toxic materials. Unfortunately when this ewaste is not recycled and simply thrown out with the garbage, ultimately ending up in landfill, it means both human health and the environment are at risk. A report by Environment Victoria and Total Environment Centre Inc entitled “Tipping Point: Australia’s E-Waste Crisis/2009/Update” states the following affects from materials found in ewaste. Lead This toxic material has a well-documented history of negative health affects including brain damage, hence it’s removal from paints and petrol. The introduction of lead to the food chain and atmosphere (through lead combustion) are the

By |2021-07-07T15:30:12+10:00May 2nd, 2021|Ewaste Articles|

The Importance of Data Destruction in a computer based world.

In today’s computer based society, gaining access to other people’s personal details has never been easier. Online social media only makes your personal details even more accessible as we literally post our most personal information on profiles for everyone to see. Sure, you can make your profile private and allow only your friends to see what kind of mood you’re in today, but that doesn’t mean that your private information isn’t still stored somewhere within the sites database. Identity theft and Fraud: Costly, Frightening and on the rise. Facebook has recently come under pressure after the details of 100million users were published on a

By |2021-04-18T18:51:09+10:00April 18th, 2021|Ewaste Articles|

World Environment Day 2011 – A time to think about recycling your ewaste…

The 5th June 2011, will see the United Nations celebrate its annual World Environment Day. Every year the UN use the 5th June to raise awareness of environmental issues facing the world today as well as encourage political action. This year’s theme focuses on Forests: Nature at your service and stresses the need to protect and support the world’s forests. World Environment Day - A good time to think about recycling your electronic waste Even though the United Nations might be concentrating their efforts on the forests this year, there are still hundreds of other ways that we can help look after our environment.

By |2021-04-04T18:50:32+10:00April 4th, 2021|Ewaste Articles|

Electronic waste and office clear outs

At 1800Ewaste we have always stressed the impact of technological advances and how it’s sent computers, telephones and multitudes of other electronics hurtling towards the dump faster than it takes to load a website. Businesses and offices across every industry are feeling the effects of this more than ever before. What happens at your office when a computer dies, or a mobile phone needs to be replaced? How about when you have your telephone network updated, or the fridge in the staff room breaks? We’re betting there’s a room in your office where obsolete electronics are sent to hang out when they stop working;

By |2022-09-08T13:34:27+10:00March 21st, 2021|Ewaste Articles|

Why recycle electronic equipment?

Electronic equipment has become completely disposable, it gets faster, smarter and cheaper everyday. If something breaks, it’s often cheaper to buy a new one than fix the old one. That’s all well and good, but the real question is what happens to the ‘old ones’? Don’t just think about the big ticket items like computers and mobile phones, stop and think about all of the other electrical equipment in your household…. alarm clock, blender, microwave, fridge, calculator, toys, video games, cameras, hair dryer…. and so the list goes on. As electronic equipment, of every kind, becomes more and more a part of our day-to-day

By |2021-03-07T19:43:49+11:00March 7th, 2021|Ewaste Articles|

From ewaste to household waste – Reduce, Reuse and RECYCLE.

At 1800Ewaste, we preach a lot about how important it is to recycle your electronic waste correctly, but it’s not the only threat facing Australia’s landfills; recycling our household waste, including our green waste and building materials, are just as crucial. However, despite the fact that 90% of Australian’s not recycle their household garbage through kerbside collections, it’s more difficult to recycle larger items such as furniture, garden waste and renovation waste. Local Australian rubbish removers to the rescue…. Our sister company, 1300Rubbish specialises in combating this very issue. As a hands-on rubbish removal company, they are experts in removing and recycling all sorts

By |2021-02-21T19:43:38+11:00February 21st, 2021|Ewaste Articles|

Electronic Waste by Numbers : Recycling & the World

At 1800Ewaste we tend to focus on the issues facing Australia and the ever growing, ever present issue of electronic waste recycling. However, we thought it was about time we to shift the focus, and the blame, by having a look at electronic waste and recycling statistics in the United States and the U.K… Supersize my Television…the obsession with larger than life televisions is not a good omen for ewaste in the U.S.A US consumers bought 3.3 million HD televisions just in time for the Super Bowl in 2010.  Of the 2.25 million tonnes obsolete electronics in 2007, 82% were discarded…into landfill. By 2008,

By |2021-02-07T19:42:35+11:00February 7th, 2021|Ewaste Articles|
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